The Untamed Wilds of Selenium
The Untamed Wilds of Selenium
Though parts of the Iridium System have been inhabited by humans for many centuries, there are still a number of unexplored planets. Selenium, a small planet with a swift rotation of its sun, is one such place. Its untamed forests span much of the surface of the planet. At first glance, these green zones look not unlike the forests of other planets, but few explorers have ever returned from missions to Selenium. The ones that do prefer not to speak of their time in the wilds, other than to call the planet haunted.
Unshaken by stories, surely there’s nothing in the Wilds that your regiment can’t handle?
This set features a number of grand coniferous tree, gnarled deciduous trees, and fallen logs and plants.
Painted terrain photos are our printed prototypes. You are purchasing STL files to print and paint at home.
Mini models displayed in our prototype photos are from our personal collection, purchased from other artists, and are not available through out website.
File Delivery
File Delivery
STL files are hosted on MyMiniFactory, establishing a seamless process between 3D designers and buyers. Your redemption link provides instant, lifelong access to your files.
Return Policy
Return Policy
There are no refunds on digital content. If you have any problems printing your files, please contact us for technical support.
FDM vs Resin
FDM vs Resin
The models are designed and tested with FDM printing in mind, with minimum supports needed.
However, the highest level of detail will be acheived with resin printing.
Files are 32mm, but can be scaled to taste. There is no 'one true' way to build our terrain, print and assemble to your heart's desire. Some parts need to be glued.
Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions
STL files are for personal use only.
You may not sell or profit from the prints or the files in any way.
You may not chare or distribute the files.
You may not modify the STL files to make new ones.
You may not make molds or use the STL files for mass production.